Station Road Market
Quiz Night
Knowle businesses - Join Visit Knowle

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Become a friend of Visit Knowle

Become a friend of Visit Knowle

Support our work by becoming a Friend of Visit Knowle from just £5 per annum


Knowle Networking

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Welcome to Visit Knowle

Welcome to Visit Knowle

Knowle is a haven for independent shops, salons, restaurants, cafes and businesses.

Support our work

The Visit Knowle membership scheme has been developed with the aim of making Knowle a more vibrant, attractive and successful place for all involved.

Increasing membership is vital to us and residents can support our work by becoming a member as a 'friend of Visit Knowle'.

Membership helps us raise funds to support  tangible and high-impact projects that invite footfall to Knowle and that help Knowle to thrive.

Icon for Friend of Visit Knowle subscription

become a friend of visit knowle

You can support Visit Knowle as a "Friend of Visit Knowle". As a friend, you’ll get access to briefings on key matters and a vote at the AGM as well as knowing you’re contributing to projects that help our village flourish.

You can join as a resident from just £5 per annum with subscription options of

  • £5
  • £10
  • £20
  • £50

Your contributions make a difference

We want to support Knowle in four key areas.



Visit Knowle work with other local organisations to bring events to the heart of Knowle. As well as the traditional late night shopping event, we take part in Heritage weekend too, celebrating the history in our village.

In 2023, we're once again bringing celebrations to Knowle High Street with the Coronation Celebration on May 8th.

Street Scene

We recognise the value of an attractive, well maintained street scene and we’ve worked with other organisations to maintain flower beds seeking replacement furniture and planters as required. In 2022 we introduced the Parklet on the High Street and we've recently submitted a funding application to enhance the entry to Knowle near Wychwood Roundabout.

We’ve organised Tidy Days and decorated the streets with bunting to celebrate the reopening of the High Street after Covid-19 restrictions.

Business Support

During 2022, we've worked with Knowle, Dorridge and Bentley Heath Neighbourhood Forum and Knowle Society to understand the current parking provision and needs in the centre of the village. We'll continue to work with these organisations and with Solihull Council to address parking challenges.

We issue monthly newsletters to our business members and host bi-monthly informal networking sessions.

The team have also worked hard to secure funds for projects to develop the village centre.


We can be found on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter promoting Knowle as a place to visit.

Our marketing team create blogs about the village, articles for social media, and share news and spotlights on business members.

Follow us at @visitknowle on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Let us know what you'd like to see for Knowle

If you've got ideas for improvements for Knowle or questions about our work, please do not hesitate to contact us via

Volunteer for Visit Knowle

A team of volunteers from businesses, community groups and residents work together on a number of projects.


Whether it's keeping our streets tidy, maintaining our planters, volunteering to be a host or marshall at events of helping organise something, we have opportunities for you to get involved.